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Author Topic:  Enchantments  (Read 866 times)

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« on: 11, April 2024, 17:48:26 »
This will be long workflow to build a good system. We must also differenciate, if we want build a new item with an enchantment, if we want to enchant an old item, if we want enchantments we can undo later and if we want enchantments only temporary on items.

Doing the easiest things first, we currently can build wild whatever we want, using loadobject function.

This is perfect to build easy from script side and whatever we want. For sure this (must) lead to unique objects. We can't connect such things to a database. This would kill the whole logic, if we need to add an item first to a kind of database(file). Mappers and scripters would be chained.

This logic is perfect to build permanent enchantments on new created items once, without the ability to undo this later. I changed npc_shop to be able to build this way.

Currently mage shop is selling 2 new rings build this way, but we can add now, whatever we want.

This way builded items are mainly "enchanted" only by name. We don't need to track/count the amount of enchantments. They are build once and that is it.

Next step could be to add enchantements to an existing object. This should be also permanent and restricted to "enchant count" like you can add one extra enchantment on bronze ring, two on silver ring ...
This goes more in the direction of crafting than enchantment. Here it could be also nice feature if players can rename their crafted rings.

We need some kind of rules, that you can't add +x pow, where pow is before. So you can only add one extra stat on a bronze ring, if this is not there before. For sure allowing to enchant older 3 stats rings should be a nogo. So we need extra stats, like "enchantments" and "enchantments max". This could lead to nice new npc crafting logics. These enchantments are for sure also permanent.

Next is coming to buffs. Here we want a kind of "we can add and remove buffs". Perhaps we go here better for slot mechanics on items, each slot you can add a buff, gem, whatever you can find in game. Could be later players have powerfull items for their slots.

Finally we could also add a mechanic for temporary buffs, like players can add poison on their weapons for some time or a mage cast fire weapon spell ...

For sure bebeniss buff system should be removed/used different way and adding multiply masks to a spawnpoint mob like in dungeons is more usefully to build powerful multistat items once.
« Last Edit: 11, April 2024, 17:55:23 by Dolfo »
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #1 on: 26, October 2024, 10:54:19 »
I personally disagree with this. Our artifact system, while in need of some de-cluttering (editor 0/1/2/3 ???), is a great fit for any permanent item modifications. We don't use it for items currently, but monster masks are implemented as a list of artifact masks which are applied to the mob at spawn. So if we want to implement multi-stat items, we would apply an existing mask overtop of an item which already has an artifact mask. IIRC the artifact code then applies the changes via loadobject(), at which point the changes become detached from the artifact definition and is therefore permanent.

Buffs, on the other hand, are designed for change-able buffs or buffs which have restrictions with other buffs. An example is the upcoming RDG enchantments, of which the player can have only 1 on any item but can freely change that enchantment for another. While they don't currently support a time limit, it would be trivial to add the buff object to the activelist.

The major drawback to using the artifact system is that it doesn't handle multiple item titles at all. So we can't really have "sword of major fire damage and minor power" because we don't have code in place to combine those.

EDIT: It might also be a good idea to remove the maximum buff limit.
« Last Edit: 26, October 2024, 11:18:00 by _people_ »
-- _people_ :)


« Reply #2 on: 27, October 2024, 09:50:57 »
Sure these editor options are nice, if the one who adds a new item in artifact lists knows of this. Atm it looked more, like most didn't had the knowledge and simply copy/pasted from another artifact definition. That's why we have sometimes editor 1, sometimes editor 2, and sometimes editor 3 on the definitions. Some camp items update on changes other not. Also items generated by amask or coming from this inferior/superior list are always unique and can't be updated later. If you use one amask, it creates the item and forget the amask later, so if we chain multiyply amasks we have at the end one unique item again. If we change later amask definitions all items generated before will not be touched.

This is reason for example a roa, what is found in corpse is unique (derives from ring_generic and overwrites the stats), where the roa I added to the shop have the clean arch.

The list generating our current inferior/superior gear is a pain. I spend 2 days, in total more than 10 hours to make pow/wis, ... stats available for other item slots and for other item combination. This is massiv static, also a list with over 1000 entries. And as you said the titles dont work, You can't chain the titles like "of superior power of greater intelligence of ..."

And at the end of this process we have generated a unique item, coming from the base arch with overwriten stats. My gamble do same, without a 1k+ list of items.

This current inferior/superior list is blowing up artifact file massivly. Balance changes will be always time consuming, because everything is redundant in this list.

Why not build wild, when item at the end is unique with overwritten stats?

You really like the 1k+ list with 10+ entries for each definition? I do same in gamble with less than 100 lines array definitions and a logic behind.  ::)
« Last Edit: 27, October 2024, 09:55:15 by Dolfo »
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!
