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Author Topic:  Detect magic/detect curse  (Read 310 times)

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« on: 15, September 2023, 14:47:58 »
Why not talk also about this. We have our nice smith can detect magic/cursed stuff.

Perhaps new players use this, before they know what this means? With identify can do this inclusive, what is the sense of these logics?  ???

I know another game, where i had no identify spell, but my mages had a detect magic spell. So i could at least filter out, what item is worthy to bring back to town. But with id level against spell level, we can mostly id all item.level capped gear with level 1 id. Also later we have for sure high level id's. So where is the sense of having smith in town, who can detect magic and detect cursed stuff?

Can we make detect magic and detect cursed somehow workable or is this mostly garbage logic we have?  ???
« Last Edit: 15, September 2023, 14:49:35 by Dolfo »
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #1 on: 16, September 2023, 16:55:54 »
It did have a use very long ago when ID MDs were very rare and wand drops were a lot less common. In that case detect magic was able to tell if an item was likely to be good or just normal non-enchanted junk tier items (e.g. sandals were worth 2 copper but a +1 version was worth 10 silver iirc that at the time was a big income source). Detect curse had a more niche function and was often used when equipping a rod/horn was the way to identify it (they didn't have lvl reqs so a lvl 1 could use a lvl 110 rod) when you had horn of fools. One slight difference was that detect curse/magic wasn't restricted by levels. Prior to obtaining an ID rod I used detect curse/magic to determine potential nice drops (most cursed items are magical) and then equipped the item to manually determine enchantments.

Currently as you say they are inferior versions of identify in the same way that remove curse is an inferior version of remove damnation and in the current meta cheaper alternatives aren't really sought after so they're probably largely obsolete. Theoretically players can use the old way I used but I suspect most players would find a commonly available ID wand a lot simpler.
Doesn't matter, you'd die anyway. ;D Shroud's a hacker. After many hours of deep thought I have came to that conclusion.


« Reply #2 on: 18, September 2023, 05:31:23 »
I we make curse no money gain, than we have next problem. Why we need this in loot? It's mostly garbage then.  ???

I found this in relation to other games.

A cursed item does not show as magical, unless there is a secondary magical effect (+1 cursed sword). Therefore, neither Detect Magic nor Identify will show that an item is cursed, let alone what that curse is.

The DMG (p. 139) says about cursed items: Most methods of identifying items, including the identify spell, fail to reveal such a curse, although lore might hint at it. A curse should be a surprise to the item's user when the curse's effects are revealed.

Why not make curse something more like this.  ???

For sure we need lesser cursed drops then. Then identify fails on that items, so identify didn't reveal cursed items. Curse didn't reduce price, because it wants surprise the users?

Sadly we have no curse level, we have only curse flag, so its not possible to have a kind of curse level. So detect/remove curse targeting against spell/item level?

Next is, what is the different of cursed/dammed stuff? Perhaps where curse is a combination of hidden negative traits and non removeable gear, damned could be simple a negation of potion effects?

We can easy go in examine logics and don't reveal negative stats when items are cursed/damned?

But all this ideas become again worthless, if we have to easy reveal mechanics?  ::)

And then we have still perma cursed and perma damned. Also funny that priest in town can remove this too.  ???
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #3 on: 18, September 2023, 15:50:58 »
Just looking at it from a practical viewpoint if you want to implement that then in reality all that happens is that players add a detect curse MD to their ID set.

Actually item that I think currently doesn't work well as far as curses go is a potion of evil liquid (cursed) where in theory if it negates/inverts the effects it could be a good item to drink.

I think problem we get is that if someone finds a RoA and it transforms into a Ring of all stats-10 then it's likely to get some players a bit upset when they've got false hope. There's also the noob problem when they equip a cursed item without knowing it. If we want more fun then there's also trading issue where if I find a spare item and say I don't need it, someone offers to buy it off me, I sell it and when new buyer tries out new item they tell me it's cursed :P

Usually an easy way to tell cursed items in games is the examine value as shops won't offer full value for a counterfeit item and if your character can tell the shop value of an item that instantly identifies cursed status.

Actually perma-cursed and perma-damned items are permanent as all that is removed is the cursed flag. Then problem is that when you re-equip it the flag is reapplied. You can test it with an item of mass.
Doesn't matter, you'd die anyway. ;D Shroud's a hacker. After many hours of deep thought I have came to that conclusion.


« Reply #4 on: 18, September 2023, 17:01:20 »
Hm ok so permacurse is "invisible" till you equip this next time. Better would be that remove curse didn't remove the cursed flag and priest/scrolls only helps to remove the item.

Atm we have 1 logic removing curse/damned on perma curse and everywhere in apply spreaded strange logics to put this flag back on? We don't need all this spreaded logics, with one clean logic on remove curse we only need to keep one check in fixplayers. Normally we also don't have to do this in fixplayer. It would be enough to have it one time in loader. Then all our perma cursed stuff would have their red flags back. "That's all".

Yeah sure, if we use damned like a kind of negate potion we can only negate the positive stats. And i don't want to negate a RoA.

If we come to enchantments of items, we could also try curses in this way. Like its a hidden force in the item. We can also go for delayed curses, like you get poisoned randomly or you loose hp, mana, grace.

But you are right, remove curse for some silver and detect curse devices would kill any good idea.

First i would go, that all perma c/d items gets their flags back and that remove curse don't remove c/d flags from perma cursed items, but helps to unapply this gear.

Currently our remove curse is also a mass remove spell. This should be normaly a high tier late game spell for high mages? And early remove curse spells should be limited to one item.

We need also reduce the chances our cursed stuff drops i think.
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #5 on: 19, September 2023, 02:13:23 »
Maybe I was slightly inaccurate with the description of permanent curse since I didn't add all the details so I'll summarise it

1. Any item with a cursed or damned flag applied can't be removed. So the only way to unequip a cursed item is to remove the flag
2. The flag is applied to an item when it is equipped/applied or identified/detect cursed. If I remember correctly if a permanently cursed item has detect curse cast on it after removal the flag is reapplied. I believe anything that refreshes the item reapplies the flag but I haven't experimented with things like reforging etc
3. Perma curse appears in examine properties. The only way to sell it to the shop is to remove the flag as otherwise shop pays zero.

Actually as far as RoA example goes I actually wasn't suggesting cursing a RoA. What I meant is that if let's say a RoA drop chance is 1/50000 then you could add a fake version that drops 1/5000 and that means that 10/11 of RoA drops are fakes. Actually it kind of already exists as a concept with Ring of Woe that is made to look like Ring of Fire etc but only difference is that Ring of Woe would be "identified" as a Ring of Fire etc until you checked for curses.

As a sidenote if you could remove permanently the curse from Armor of mass would that mean weight associated with the curse is also removed?
Doesn't matter, you'd die anyway. ;D Shroud's a hacker. After many hours of deep thought I have came to that conclusion.


« Reply #6 on: 19, September 2023, 11:20:42 »
One problem on our current logic is, that the curse flag(s) and the curse stats are different. The whole item is manipulated in stats. So if we remove the curse flag from items, the items are still "garbage".

This could be more interesting, if the curse is separated from the item, like a force in an item. I must look in, how curse of mass is build in, for sure it overwrites the weight with 65.

Code: [Select]
Allowed !crystal_mail,!mithril_armour,!mithril_ring,!mithril_coat
chance 80
artifact armour_mass
def_arch chain_mail
editor 2:items/armour/mail
title of mass
type 16
is_magical 1
value 5
cursed_perm 1
cursed 1
weight 65000
So it's overwrite the armor with this stats when in generation process.

Back to remove the curse. This means after you cast remove curse you still wear the item and can wear it till you removed it once? That's dirty then. I would go in remove curse logic and would unapply the applyed gear when cursed and then i would leave the curse flag untouched, when it is perma.

I have also seen, that remove curse is remove curse only.
Where remove damnation is removing both (curse and damnation)
and detect curse is also detecting both (curse and damnation)

That's reason remove curse scrolls fail on damnation potion.

So this is all wild and the code behind is like the curse of mass. 65 kg of logics with only one goal, to weight up the server code and processing time.  ::)

If you see what server is doing, when we set or clear a flag, complex math and bit operations each time to store the flag as one bit in a byte chain. This is for sure good to compress data before we want to send it to client. But when we change "one" bit and then each time we send the full flag byte chain to client, this is for sure a troll. And client need to undo this and extract the bit out of the bytechain. We have 135 different flags. That's 17 bytes each time we send to client when we set/clear the curse flag i think.

For sure this logic is great when we want to send all 135 flags at once, but it negates when we only want to send "remove curse flag from item to client". And we do this a lot, changing only one bit and then update the client.

That's reason i am atm a little frustated. Each time i read deeper in code, i have tears in the eyes. Everywhere you read "todo", "need a fix", "this should be rewritten".

So with this big chains of nonsense, it's not easy to optimize code. Good example is also the loader. Normaly you would say. "let's simple say in loader, if perma curse is set, we set also normal curse flag". And the we go in remove curse and remove non perma curse flags and unapply weared gear. That' all. But when you look in loader you see the reasons, why no one want to touch it. So instead they do strange logics in apply and remove all curses(also perma) in remove logics. If you see the logics to remove a curse, you get more tears in the eyes. Instead of iterate the items and remove the curse and unapply the items, they target a "low end" logic, very specialized in handling flags. Very cool logic, but fails when you want to unapply the stuff. So this is also reason for all the mess. They often target existing code, with a massiv functionality in one aspect but a missing functionality in other aspect.

Using such a chain means, priest in town prepare the spell player wants to have. Spell prepare the flags we want to remove, then we interate the objects and then for each object we change the flags.

If we come from lua site i cant count the functions involted in this process anymore. So code is a pain, everywhere. I could do the whole priest remove curse logic in lua with one loop, but because we have also remove spell logics in game, its better to go in there.

But instead building small clean functions for the situations we need, they build everywhere "all in one" logics. Totally overloaded coded with the ability to handle "everything", but handling is limited to a kind of superficial then, where small specialized functions could go deeper.

Have i said functions? We have everywhere macros. So each time we interact with our flags, compiler produces equivalent code to this macros.
Code: [Select]
#define QUERY_FLAG(_O_, _F_) \
    (((_O_)->flags[(_F_) / 32] & (1U << ((_F_) % 32))) \
     ? 1 : 0)
#define SET_FLAG(_O_, _F_) \
    (((_O_)->flags[(_F_) / 32] |= (1U << ((_F_) % 32))) \
     ? 1 : 1)
#define CLEAR_FLAG(_O_, _F_) \
    (((_O_)->flags[(_F_) / 32] &= ~(1U << ((_F_) % 32))) \
     ? 0 : 0)
#define SET_OR_CLEAR_FLAG(_O_, _F_, _V_) \
    (((_V_)) \
     ? SET_FLAG((_O_), (_F_)) \
     : CLEAR_FLAG((_O_), (_F_)))
So we don't handle our bits in 8bit(byte) storage, we work in 32bit storages.

This is only to say, what server must do, when we "simple" want to handle a cursed flag.

And we have cursed, dammed, perma cursed, perma damned, known cursed, identified, non identifiable, known indentified we must take care, when we use the buildin logics.

For example the core logic ThingDeclare, stops working when we have
Code: [Select]
  return NULL;
This means we can't change other flags, when our item is identified or unidentifiable. This function totally refuse to work. This means if an item is unidentifiable, we can't remove curses with our current logics.

Normally we should "kill half the code". We should go for more small specialized functions, instead of this "all in one" ("fail in all") functions.

You see it's frustating to touch the oldest code structures in code. You can't change anything there, without destroying the logics, because these functions are so overloaded.

Perhaps we remove all the curse logics, when we see what the result for players is? Mostly garbage.  ::)

And then we try to build item enchantements, like sharpen/poison/blessed/fire enchanted weapons. This need a "little" rework in object handling, if we want allow a force in a weapon. But from there cursed is only a negative enchantement in our object. And we build our code mainly for player visible and "loved" effects, where curse could be implemented easy as a "small" side effect.  :o
« Last Edit: 19, September 2023, 11:52:06 by Dolfo »
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #7 on: 19, September 2023, 14:05:34 »
I would go for this for the remove curse spell logic. (Updated Logic)

Code: [Select]
// who is player (for root inventory, fixplayer and ndi messages), level is spellcaster(device) level
// inv_object can be a container(or other item with inventory), we need this for recursive search
// using inv_object=null we start searching from who->inventory (player root inventory)
void remove_curse(object_t *who, object_t *inv_object, int level)
    object_t *obj;
    int client_need_update;
    if (!who) return;
    if (!inv_object)
    while (obj)
        if (!QUERY_FLAG(obj, FLAG_SYS_OBJECT))
            if (QUERY_FLAG(obj, FLAG_CURSED))
                if (level>=obj->level)
                    if (!QUERY_FLAG(obj, FLAG_PERM_CURSED))
                        ndi(NDI_UNIQUE, 0, who, "The magic removes the curse from %s!", STRING_OBJ_NAME(obj));
                        CLEAR_FLAG(obj, FLAG_CURSED);

            if (QUERY_FLAG(obj, FLAG_DAMNED))
                if (level>=obj->level)
                    if (!QUERY_FLAG(obj, FLAG_PERM_DAMNED))
                        ndi(NDI_UNIQUE, 0, who, "The magic removes the damnation from %s!", STRING_OBJ_NAME(obj));
                        CLEAR_FLAG(obj, FLAG_DAMNED);

            // when we have an applied item, where we can't remove curse/damnation from, we unapply for sure this item
                ndi(NDI_UNIQUE, 0, who, "The magic unapplies %s!", STRING_OBJ_NAME(obj));
                CLEAR_FLAG(obj, FLAG_APPLIED);
                FIX_PLAYER(who ,"remove curse - unapply cursed obj");

            if (client_need_update)
                OBJECT_UPDATE_UPD(obj, UPD_FLAGS);

            if (obj->inv) // lets browse everything what is not system, but have inv pointer
                remove_curse(who, obj, level);
        obj = obj->below;

and to call a remove curse for a whole player is
Code: [Select]
remove_curse(who, NULL, spelllevel);

You see it's still a lot. But it's specialized to remove curse and not specialized to get/set all kind of flags with returning a list, where we need to interate the list behind to produce ndi messages and where we need to prepare the function call before with a ton of more flags.

I also ignore totally identify flags and instead check for the perma curse flag. Remove damnation is mainly a clone of this.

But i wonder why remove damnation is remove curse inclusive? And detect curse is detect damnation inclusive?  ::)
« Last Edit: 23, September 2023, 21:12:51 by Dolfo »
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #8 on: 22, September 2023, 19:35:19 »
Why i have touched this?  ::) Ah yeah, because i want to implement items on torch slot. But i really did not planned to read and rework serveral days our curse mechanics.

So far i made the new function working.

Using remove curse is now same than remove damnation. This was only logical step, when detect curse can detect both and remove damnation can remove both. Perhaps we find in future a difference between damned and cursed stuff? Atm it looks like its only the red D and C what make it different.  ???

New function don't remove curse or damned flags when perma anymore. Instead it unapply this stuff, when it is perma or to high level.

I didn't touched detect magic or detect curse. They come still from old code and fail on non identifiable items. When i see all the sanity checks in old logic i must ask me, what's wrong in this world?  :P For sure this is very old code. Looks like a lot of these checks are outdated? But they make me unsure, if i missed an important sanity check. So i need some more test and reading here. I updated the above post to new function. Also messages to players could be improved.
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


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