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Author Topic:  Mysterious Vault - Killrin shield of the priest  (Read 260 times)

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« on: 01, February 2023, 22:39:40 »
Ok, I got to Priestess Morgana, I guess the Animated Priestess got renamed, she's a nasty spellcaster with reflect spells, I'm a priest main, tried dealing damage with Hallowed Ground, but it's quite messy, anyone got a recommendation on how to kill her properly as a priest?, or do I need to train magic to storm her?


« Reply #1 on: 02, February 2023, 08:36:44 »
Yeah, like she is dancing, using hallowed ground spell is not very efficient there. With reflect your clw spell, you have only options to use mellee, range or storms. Optional you can try some high storm wands on her? But looks like you are forced to train a non priest way to farm that priest shield. Like fighters need to train ma to get their ph helm on raas. I don't say more to this. ;)

I killed here with hallowed ground and one final clw. But it's a little stupid. She always try to keep distance to you, so lure her to a corner. I prefer the one with the table, where she is stucked. Then cast hallowed ground in two fields distance to her, and walk some steps back and press her again in this corner. Yeah stupid, but best way to kill her. Using storms is same way, lure here the corner and storm her. But storms is a little faster. You can also clw her, she don't reflect 100%.
« Last Edit: 02, February 2023, 09:03:35 by Dolfo »
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #2 on: 03, February 2023, 00:02:29 »
Yep, priests definitely need more offensive capabilities. Adding spells/prayers is fairly easy, so it's just a matter of getting around to adding them.

Reflect also needs some work. IMO a reflect chance would be more balanced for both players and monsters, but since reflectable spells tend to be very damaging, we might need to make it easier for players to mitigate the damage from them.
-- _people_ :)


« Reply #3 on: 03, February 2023, 00:43:21 »
Actually problem with reflect in general is that it can in some cases completely negate all of a player's attacking options. Worst case is reflect missiles that is catastrophic to any throwing/archery based character. Evil Pets that drop Killrin Warrior Armour are also the only mobs immune to melee attacks.

The only slight work around for players is that reflect triggers when an object collides with a target. So if a spell hits a mob then it triggers. However if a mob walks into a spell then it doesn't trigger.

At first thought I'd be reluctant to give priests too many offensive capabilities on the basis that they get better support spells than mages. Although considering that in practice any mage that gets to lvl 11 dp can have all the support spells of a priest (i.e. cure poison, restoration, remove depletion and minor healing) you could probably even give a storm clone and it wouldn't be a disaster. Although in that case question should be asked like whether it's equally easy to add AoE skills for archery and throwing and whether melee should also have active skills.
Doesn't matter, you'd die anyway. ;D Shroud's a hacker. After many hours of deep thought I have came to that conclusion.


« Reply #4 on: 03, February 2023, 01:51:25 »
I didn't realize Pets were immune to melee. That's either a bug, or perhaps someone changed it intentionally. I'm pretty confident I camped those guys in B4 using sling + melee. Looking at the map, I don't see any attributes which might cause melee immunity, so I'll have to check the server for some sort of bug, perhaps with multipart mobs (I still haven't fixed multiparts being able to walk inside walls).

More melee skills are easy enough to add if that's what the community wants, but I think archery might be the toughest group to add skills for. It's easy enough to add a multi-arrow skill, but anything more advanced would probably necessitate giving players the ability to aim more precisely than a direction. I'm thinking something like a skill that showers arrows down from the sky around an area.

It would also be easy enough to give players a skill to enhance their arrows, like adding elemental damage at the cost of some mana. Beyond that I don't have many archery ideas, though some of the work Dolfo has put into trap skills may synergize well with archery.

Overall I don't like the idea of monsters or dungeons being impossible for certain classes, but I'm fine with areas being more difficult on some classes as long as they all have plenty of places to fight.
-- _people_ :)


« Reply #5 on: 03, February 2023, 03:30:52 »
I checked all morochs and pets in dt, they have some resists against slash, but are not immune. In mage guild in mage training room for lowest levels i found melee immune wands, but that's ok there. This should be a mage training scenario and is also more a fun map to explore.

If we discuss about reflect, why we say "monster reflect no no, that's not good". and on the other site "Player 10% reflect fail chance, no that's not good, we want 100% reflect chance.". Why not give all players sa immunity?  :P Only joking. I still think reflect is to powerful, for both sites. Monsters and players. Give reflect a 50/50 chance to reflect, would players reflect item nerf to a nice site effect to have it, but not make it your main defence. We have still resists. 50/50 reflecting mobs would be a improvement for players for their hit chances.

Could also be interesting to change the reflect chance to a kind of ac chance? So when ac is chance to avoid mellee and ranged damage, reflect spells could be a kind of ac factor against spells. This would also gives chances against storms and hallowed ground. So thinking about we have no miss factor for spells except the spellfumble, that's still a massiv advantage for spell classes. Thinking about reflect missiles we have 2 mechanics to avoid the hit. Our ac and the reflect chance. Looks for me like a lot of inbalance. I still like the effect of reflect missiles and spells, but with 90% this is a joke. Players farming high mobs and crying when they got the 10% fail chances. And don't forget. A good and concentrated player has always a 100% dodge chance for spells and missiles by dodging with movement. Theoretically we don't need reflect mechanics. Mostly it's a help for lazy or tired players or a big help on unfair monster respawns. So we should also think of respawn mechanics, when we think of reflect mechanics.

Would be also interesting to make reflect total different. Instead of a chance to reflect, its reflects a percent of the damage. This would be more constant. Thinking of 500 damage incoming missile reflect could reflect perhaps 10% of this damage. Could also be interesting that reflect items can stack. So with 3 reflect items you reflect 30% of the damage?
« Last Edit: 03, February 2023, 03:36:26 by Dolfo »
Don't believe the shit, you hear in mainstream. Believe your own body. Your body is speaking always the true to you. But you need to understand your body. Hear to your body, not to your ego. And when body is calling to you: "Hey something is wrong!" find the reason(s) for that. Man in White don't go for that, they don't want to heal you. They want earn money and sell you medicine, you should take rest of your life. You are not the patient, you are their customer. Never forget this!


« Reply #6 on: 03, February 2023, 03:42:56 »
If needed, I would be more than happy to consider backgrounds, stories or quests in order to include spells or skills whichever you choose without affecting any narrative.

Can write the whole thing, NPC chats or whatever.

Honestly I was thinking maybe trying to do so in my idea of Invernalia :P


« Reply #7 on: 03, February 2023, 19:15:46 »
As far as the pets go it seems to have been changed. They used to have something called "hitback" that basically reflected all the damaged caused to the mob onto the player.

As far as archery one thought that could be applicable is that in B3 it used to be possible to throw potions. Would a similar concept work for explosive arrows that upon contact detonate an elemental storm. Idea would be that it is triggered moment it's direction changes so if it reflects it's still triggered and would mean archers (and potentially throwers) could bypass reflect missiles.
Doesn't matter, you'd die anyway. ;D Shroud's a hacker. After many hours of deep thought I have came to that conclusion.


« Reply #8 on: 07, February 2023, 21:29:05 »
Hi guys, I swear this is not a rant, I just hit the kill 400 on Morgana and no luck, many drops so far, some good ones, can't complain about them, but no Shield.

Wanted to know if that's how things are supossed to go or if I'm just terribly unlucky, as killing her is starting to feel like a 9 to 5.


« Reply #9 on: 08, February 2023, 20:11:58 »
Ok, feeling grateful today, finally got it, 459 kill was the charm.


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