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Author Topic:  PA  (Read 957 times)

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« on: 15, February 2019, 18:09:12 »
Hello :),

I'm still alive. And it seems so is Dai, which is good.  Don't worry though, I'm not likely to return full time

But I do have loads of unreleased features lying around. Most are unfinished or too involved, but here's one which should work.

I've put it in the stream PA. PA is a load of server/src changes which add a new default channel, PA (shortcut p). This is the Player Announcements/Activity channel. Whenever a player logins, levels up, dies, or logouts, the appropriate script from maps/lua/player is run. Basically these send a sarky message to PA (logout.lua does more important stuff too. It replaces event_logout.lua). The idea is to make players a bit more of a community.

ISTR back in B3 when the server announced deaths we had abusers who would rapidly suicide over and over. It should be possible to detect/prevent/punish this in Lua if it is  a problem.

It should be fine to message PA from normal object sccripts (is there a player:GetPrivacy() method)?). Foexample from a death script for a really major boss or a pickup/apply script for a prize object. TODO: Add a 5th player event to run a script on (select?) quest completion.

This also gets rid of the automatic SCRIPT_FIX_* flags. These were (almost?) always pointless and misused. But if you find a misbehaving  script just try eg, player:Fix() at the end.

For reasons too lengthy to detail here (comments in code). I added a KNOWLEDGE script trigger. This is an AI thing. Used to be a TRIGGER hack/abuse. But I'm pretty sure it was never used anyway.

I wrote this almost 3 years ago (8024). Worked then. I merged it to trunk head yesterday but have not even compiled it. Hopefully it still works. I got rid of a load of redundant plugin code (the never used/liked global event stuff from CF). Anyway, it should be easy to review and add to trunk/main if it's wanted.

Fingers crossed. Back in a few days.


« Reply #1 on: 15, February 2019, 18:56:44 »
Very glad to hear from you Smacky and we all hope you return soon.
A quick question....I understand PA as you've described it.
If I or another player is in /Privacy will this still do what you listed above?
Or is /privacy an auto block to this?
My retirement the Grim Reaper


« Reply #2 on: 16, February 2019, 04:18:26 »
Hi Smacky! :)

Good work on this PA stuff. Back in late 2017 I made a server feature which would deliver help files in a SENTInce GUI generated from Lua rather than a text dump. The code I wrote to execute scripts from the server vice maps is much more ugly, and yours looks way more robust. So this will definitely be good to replace what I had.

Myths, looking at the code it appears that his scripts do respect privacy mode.
-- _people_ :)


« Reply #3 on: 16, February 2019, 14:50:43 »
I lied about back in a few days. This project is addictive.

@myths: The scripts all know about privacy and are all written to respect this.

@_people_: Yes I just found your help code. :) Broke PA. I think I fixed it in the stream.


« Reply #4 on: 22, February 2019, 17:20:38 »
I  think it's ready now. I added also a finished quest event and a found one/special drop event (note random drops are different and not covered (ATM) -- ISTR some issue in this area in the past. not sure what the current status is).

I also fixed repeatable  quests (99% sure)..


« Reply #5 on: 02, March 2022, 22:47:45 »
I've just merged this to trunk. While I think I saw a few mentions of unfinished functionality in the code, testing indicates it's stable regardless. Future changes can be made directly in trunk.

These improvements give mappers/scripters and developers a lot of flexibility in how we can interact with the player. For example, the Random Dungeons can now reset the player's current progress tier if they've died in a random dungeon.

Players: There are quite a few core system changes in here. For the most part it's invisible to players, but since core functionality (gaining/losing EXP, dying, logging in/out) is affected there may be some obvious or well-hidden bugs. Keep an eye out once these changes are on public servers.
-- _people_ :)
